We’ll let you in on a SECRET…

Peer interaction

It is widely recognised that teaching subject content is no longer enough to prepare students to be ‘work-ready’ when they leave school. So what are the skills that students will need as they enter into the workforce?

At Hillcrest,we introduce students to the SECRET Skills; a set of essential life and work skills that have been identified by business and educational leaders across the world as being critical to success in the workplace. Within each skill domain, there are four sub-skills, covering Cognitive, Strategic, Social and Emotional elements.

Designed by British educator Dan Buckley, the SECRET Skills framework is comprised of six skill domains which make up the SECRET acronym:

  • Self-Manager
  • Effective Participator
  • Creative Thinker
  • Reflective Learner
  • Enquirer
  • Team Worker

Buckley was commissioned to develop a set of skills that were essential for learning and living. Using 54 studies from across the world, he developed a scaffold which allowed students to be in the driving seat of their skills development, his research forming part of the longitudinal research for Microsoft’s 21st Century Learning Design (21CLD) modules. One of the defining features of the SECRET Skills framework is that it is self and peer-assessed; while teachers facilitate and encourage students to achieve their SECRET Skills goals, it is the students themselves who are ultimately responsible for collecting evidence in order to achieve accreditation and recognition at each of the nine levels of the framework.

A Virtual Learning Community education is so much more than students working their way through curriculum content. If you are interested in a flexible education program that will teach your child skills to help them succeed in school, work and beyond, contact our friendly Enrolments team today.

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