Online learning helps students learn more effectively

Brother and sister working on a beach, park bench

A recent study has found that students learn better in an online environment than in the traditional classroom.

The Educator magazine recently highlighted a study where researchers from Charles Darwin University (Australia) and Holy Angel University (Philippines) found that online learning could increase a student’s cognitive capacity, resulting in improvements in short- and long-term memory. The study was completed with university students who were required to attend online, live lessons, with teachers live-streaming content, similar to the delivery format of lessons in the Virtual Learning Community (VLC). The research highlighted that cognitive capacity could be improved with high quality online delivery, including online platforms that make it easy for students to manage their learning, and teachers that have current knowledge and understanding of the content, as well as empathetic, strong relationships with their students.

In the VLC, our teachers aren’t just here to transmit content knowledge (although they are excellent at doing this, too!); VLC teachers know that building strong relationships with students allows students to feel a sense of belonging, safety and support, and assists them to experience an increased sense of wellbeing, which enhances academic and personal success. As well as this, the Virtual Learning Community has excellent online Learning Management systems where students can participate in live lessons, and complete and submit their independent tasks, in an intuitive and easy-to-follow format. Parents, too, benefit from the platform, as they have constant access to all of their child’s academic information, including progressive reporting, timetables, calendars, event photos and news updates.

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